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how long to paint a house interior

How Long to Paint a House Interior: Factors that Affect the Duration

Are you thinking of painting a house’s interior to give it a fresh and new look? If so, you might be wondering how long to paint a house interior and what factors influence the duration of this project. In this blog post, we will answer these questions and help you plan your painting project with ease and confidence.

Painting a house’s interior is a great way to refresh and transform the look and feel of your living space. However, before you embark on this project, you need to have a realistic estimate of how long it will take to complete. Knowing the duration of painting a house’s interior will help you plan, budget accordingly, and avoid unnecessary delays and frustrations.

The duration of painting a house’s interior depends on various factors, such as the size of the house, the surface conditions, the number of coats, and the time required for proper preparation. In this article, we will explore these factors in detail and provide some tips on how to estimate the painting time and make the process more efficient. We will also discuss the pros and cons of hiring professional painters vs. taking the DIY approach, and offer some practical advice for achieving the best results.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of how long to paint a house interior and how to make the most of your time and money. You will also learn how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that can ruin your painting project. So, if you are ready to start your painting journey, read on and discover the secrets of painting a house’s interior like a pro!

Factors that Affect the Duration of Painting a House’s Interior

The first step to estimating the duration of painting a house’s interior is to consider the factors that affect the amount of time and effort required for the job. These factors include:

Size of the House

The size of the house is one of the most obvious factors that affect the duration of painting a house’s interior. The larger the house, the longer it will take to paint. The size of the house can be measured by:

Square Footage

The square footage of the house is the total area of the floor space that needs to be painted. You can calculate the square footage by multiplying the length and width of each room and adding them up. Alternatively, you can use an online calculator or a measuring app to get the square footage.

The average time to paint a house’s interior per square foot is about 10 minutes. This means that if your house has 2,000 square feet of floor space, it will take about 333 hours to paint the entire house. However, this is only a rough estimate, as the actual time may vary depending on the other factors.

Number of Rooms

The number of rooms in the house is another factor that affects the duration of painting a house’s interior. The more rooms there are, the more time it will take to paint them. This is because each room may have different dimensions, shapes, and features that require different painting techniques and tools.

The average time to paint a room’s interior is about 4 hours. This includes the time for preparation, painting, and cleanup. However, this is only an average, as some rooms may take longer or shorter to paint depending on the other factors.

Ceiling Height

The ceiling height of the house is another factor that affects the duration of painting a house’s interior. The higher the ceiling, the more time it will take to paint. This is because higher ceilings require more paint, more ladder work, and more attention to detail.

The average time to paint a ceiling is about 1 hour per 100 square feet. This means that if your ceiling is 10 feet high and your room is 10 by 10 feet, it will take about 1 hour to paint the ceiling. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the other factors.

Surface Conditions

The condition of the surfaces inside the house is another thing that can change how long it takes to paint inside. This means looking at the state and features of the walls, ceilings, and other areas that will get painted. These surface conditions cover:

Pre-existing Paint

The pre-existing paint on the walls and ceilings is a factor that affects the duration of painting a house’s interior. The pre-existing paint may have different colors, finishes, and qualities that may affect the adhesion, coverage, and appearance of the new paint. For example, if the pre-existing paint is dark, glossy, or oil-based, it may require more preparation, priming, and sanding to ensure a smooth and even application of the new paint.

The average time to prepare and prime a wall or ceiling is about 1 hour per 100 square feet. This means that if your wall or ceiling is 10 by 10 feet, it will take about 1 hour to prepare and prime it. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the condition and type of the pre-existing paint.

Wall Texture

The texture of the walls can influence how long it takes to paint the inside of a house. Wall texture is about how smooth or bumpy the walls are. There can be different types of wall textures like smooth, bumpy, or popcorn (which looks like small lumps or bumps). This texture can change how much paint you need, the kind of roller you should use, and the way you apply the paint.

The average time to paint a wall with a smooth texture is about 30 minutes per 100 square feet. The average time to paint a wall with a textured or popcorn texture is about 45 minutes per 100 square feet. This means that if your wall is 10 by 10 feet and has a smooth texture, it will take about 30 minutes to paint it. If your wall is 10 by 10 feet and has a textured or popcorn texture, it will take about 45 minutes to paint it. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the degree and type of the wall texture.

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Wall Condition

The wall condition affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the presence or absence of cracks, holes, stains, mold, or other imperfections on the wall surface. The wall condition may affect the amount of repair, cleaning, and patching required to fix the wall before painting.

paint a house's interior

The average time to repair and patch a wall is about 15 minutes per 100 square feet. This means that if your wall is 10 by 10 feet and has some minor cracks or holes, it will take about 15 minutes to repair and patch it. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the severity and number of the wall imperfections.

Wall Color

The color of the wall affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the hue, saturation, and value of the wall paint. The wall color may affect the number of coats, the type of paint, and the contrast required to achieve the desired color.

The average time to paint a wall with a single coat is about 15 minutes per 100 square feet. This means that if your wall is 10 by 10 feet and requires only one coat of paint, it will take about 15 minutes to paint it. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the color and quality of the paint.

If the wall color is significantly different from the pre-existing paint or the new paint, it may require more coats of paint to cover the old color and achieve the new color. For example, if the pre-existing paint is dark and the new paint is light, or vice versa, it may require two or more coats of paint to achieve the desired color. Each additional coat of paint will add about 15 minutes per 100 square feet to the painting time.

Trim and Doors

The trim and doors affect how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. They refer to the woodwork, molding, baseboards, and other features that frame the walls and ceilings. The trim and doors may have different colors, finishes, and styles that may affect the amount of paint, the type of brush, and the technique required to paint them.

The average time to paint a trim or door is about 20 minutes per linear foot. This means that if your trim or door is 10 feet long, it will take about 200 minutes to paint it. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the condition and type of the trim or door.


The windows affect how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. They refer to the glass, frames, sills, and other features that allow light and air to enter the house. The windows may have different shapes, sizes, and styles that may affect the amount of paint, the type of tape, and the technique required to paint them.

The average time to paint a window is about 30 minutes per window. This means that if your window is a standard size and shape, it will take about 30 minutes to paint it. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the condition and type of the window.

Number of Coats

The number of coats affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the layers of paint applied to the walls, ceilings, and other features. The number of coats may affect the coverage, durability, and appearance of the paint.

The average time to paint a coat is about 15 minutes per 100 square feet. This means that if your wall or ceiling is 10 by 10 feet, it will take about 15 minutes to paint a coat. However, this is only an average, as the actual time may vary depending on the color and quality of the paint.

The number of coats required for a painting project depends on various factors, such as the pre-existing paint, the wall color, the type of paint, and the personal preference. Generally, most painting projects require at least two coats of paint to ensure a smooth and even finish. However, some projects may require more or less coats depending on the desired effect.

Time Required for Proper Preparation

The time required for proper preparation affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the amount of time and effort spent on preparing the house for painting. The time required for proper preparation includes:

  • Moving and covering the furniture and other items in the house
  • Cleaning and dusting the walls, ceilings, and other features
  • Repairing and patching any cracks, holes, stains, mold, or other imperfections on the surfaces
  • Sanding and smoothing any rough or uneven areas on the surfaces
  • Priming and sealing any porous or stained areas on the surfaces
  • Taping and masking any edges, corners, windows, doors, trim, outlets, switches, or other features that need to be protected from paint
  • Mixing and stirring the paint to ensure a consistent color and quality

The time required for proper preparation depends on the size, condition, and complexity of the house. However, as a general rule, the time required for proper preparation is about 50% of the total painting time. This means that if the total painting time is estimated to be 100 hours, the time required for proper preparation is about 50 hours. Therefore, it is important to allocate enough time and resources for proper preparation, as it will affect the quality and durability of the painting project.

Estimating the Painting Time

painting a house's interior

After considering the factors that affect the duration of painting a house’s interior, the next step is to estimate the painting time for the project. The painting time can be estimated by breaking down the duration per room and adding up the total time for the entire house. The painting time can also be adjusted by taking into account some additional factors that may affect the painting time. Here is how to estimate the painting time:

Breaking Down the Duration per Room

The first step to estimating the painting time is to break down the duration per room. This can be done by measuring the square footage, the linear footage, and the number of windows for each room, and multiplying them by the average time per unit. The average time per unit can be obtained from the previous section on the factors that affect the duration of painting a house’s interior. For example, the average time to paint a wall with a single coat is 15 minutes per 100 square feet, the average time to paint a trim or door is 20 minutes per linear foot, and the average time to paint a window is 30 minutes per window.

The duration per room can also be estimated by using the average time per room, which is about 4 hours per room. However, this is only an average, and the actual time may vary depending on the size, shape, and features of the room. Therefore, it is advisable to use the more accurate method of measuring the square footage, the linear footage, and the number of windows for each room.

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Average Time per Room

The average time per room can be further categorized by the size of the room. The size of the room can be classified as small, medium-sized, or large, depending on the square footage of the room. Here are the average times per room based on the size of the room:

  • Small Rooms: Small rooms are rooms that have less than 100 square feet of floor space. Examples of small rooms are bathrooms, closets, laundry rooms, and hallways. The average time to paint a small room is about 2 hours.
  • Medium-sized Rooms: Medium-sized rooms are rooms that have between 100 and 250 square feet of floor space. Examples of medium-sized rooms are bedrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and living rooms. The average time to paint a medium-sized room is about 4 hours.
  • Large Rooms: Large rooms are rooms that have more than 250 square feet of floor space. Examples of large rooms are master bedrooms, family rooms, basements, and garages. The average time to paint a large room is about 6 hours.

Additional Factors that Affect Painting Time

The second step to estimating the painting time is to adjust the duration per room by taking into account some additional factors that may affect the painting time. These factors include:

Complexity of the Room

The complexity of the room is a factor that affects the painting time. The complexity of the room refers to the number and variety of features, angles, and details that need to be painted in the room. The more complex the room, the more time it will take to paint. For example, a room that has a lot of windows, doors, trim, molding, niches, shelves, or other features will take longer to paint than a room that has a simple layout and design. The complexity of the room may add or subtract about 10% to 20% of the painting time.

Type of Paint

The type of paint affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the composition, quality, and brand of the paint used for the project. The type of paint may affect the coverage, durability, and appearance of the paint. For example, a paint that has a high-quality, low-VOC, and self-priming formula will take less time to paint than a paint that has a low-quality, high-VOC, and non-priming formula. The type of paint may add or subtract about 5% to 10% of the painting time.

Type of Finish

The type of finish affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the sheen, gloss, or matte of the paint used for the project. The type of finish may affect the application, drying, and cleaning of the paint. For example, a paint that has a high-gloss finish will take more time to paint than a paint that has a low-gloss or matte finish. This is because a high-gloss finish requires more coats, more sanding, and more care to avoid brush marks and drips. The type of finish may add or subtract about 5% to 10% of the painting time.

Drying Time

The drying time affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior. It refers to the amount of time required for the paint to dry and cure before applying another coat or moving the furniture and items back to the room. The drying time affects how long it takes to paint a house’s interior.

It refers to the amount of time required for the paint to dry and cure before applying another coat or moving the furniture and items back to the room. The drying time may range from 1 hour to 24 hours per coat and may be affected by the type of paint, the type of finish, the humidity, the temperature, and the ventilation of the room. The drying time may add or subtract about 10% to 20% of the painting time.

Pros and Cons of Hiring Professional Painters vs. Taking the DIY Approach

After estimating the painting time for the project, the next step is to decide whether to hire professional painters or take the DIY approach. Both options have their pros and cons, and the choice depends on various factors, such as the budget, the timeline, the skill level, and the personal preference. Here are some of the pros and cons of hiring professional painters vs. taking the DIY approach:

Advantages of Hiring Professional Painters

Hiring professional painters has some advantages, such as:

  • Saving time and effort: Hiring professional painters can save you a lot of time and effort, as they can complete the project faster and more efficiently than you can. They have the experience, the skills, and the tools to handle any painting challenge and deliver high-quality results. They can also take care of the preparation, the cleanup, and the disposal of the materials, leaving you with more time and energy for other things.
  • Getting expert advice and guidance: Hiring professional painters can also give you access to expert advice and guidance, as they can help you choose the best paint, color, and finish for your project. They can also offer you tips and tricks on how to maintain and protect your paint job, and how to avoid common painting mistakes and problems.
  • Ensuring safety and security: Hiring professional painters can also ensure your safety and security, as they can handle the painting tasks that may be dangerous or difficult for you. For example, they can paint the high ceilings, the staircases, and the exterior walls that may require ladders, scaffolding, or other equipment. They can also protect your furniture, floors, and belongings from paint spills, stains, and damage.

Advantages of Taking the DIY Approach

Taking the DIY approach has some advantages, such as:

  • Saving money: Taking the DIY approach can save you money, as you can avoid paying for the labor, the materials, and the overhead costs of hiring professional painters. You can also shop around for the best deals on paint, brushes, rollers, and other supplies, and use the leftover paint for other projects or purposes.
  • Having more control and flexibility: Taking the DIY approach can also give you more control and flexibility, as you can decide when, how, and where to paint your house. You can also customize your paint job to suit your taste, style, and personality. You can also make changes or adjustments as you go along, and fix any mistakes or errors yourself.
  • Having fun and satisfaction: Taking the DIY approach can also be fun and satisfying, as you can enjoy the creative and rewarding process of painting your house. You can also learn new skills, gain confidence, and express yourself through your paint job. You can also take pride and pleasure in the outcome of your work, and appreciate the transformation of your living space.
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Disadvantages of Hiring Professional Painters

Hiring professional painters has some disadvantages, such as:

  • Costing more: Hiring professional painters can cost more, as you have to pay for the labor, the materials, and the overhead costs of hiring professional painters. The cost of hiring professional painters may vary depending on the size, condition, and complexity of the house, the quality and quantity of the paint, and the reputation and availability of the painters. The average cost of hiring professional painters is about $3,000 for a 2,000-square-foot house, but it can range from $1,500 to $6,000 or more depending on the factors mentioned above.
  • Having less control and flexibility: Hiring professional painters can also give you less control and flexibility, as you have to rely on their schedule, availability, and workmanship. You may have to wait for a long time to book their service, and you may have to adjust your own schedule and plans to accommodate their work. You may also have to compromise on some aspects of your paint job, such as the color, the finish, or the technique, if they do not match your expectations or preferences. You may also have to deal with some issues or problems that may arise during or after the painting process, such as delays, damages, errors, or disputes.
  • Having less fun and satisfaction: Hiring professional painters can also be less fun and satisfying, as you miss out on the creative and rewarding process of painting your house. You may not feel as involved, invested, or proud of your paint job, as you did not do it yourself. You may also not learn new skills, gain confidence, or express yourself through your paint job, as you did not participate in the painting process.

Disadvantages of Taking the DIY Approach

Taking the DIY approach has some disadvantages, such as:

  • Taking more time and effort: Taking the DIY approach can take more time and effort, as you have to do everything yourself, from the preparation, to the painting, to the cleanup. You may not have the experience, the skills, or the tools to handle some painting tasks or challenges, and you may end up making mistakes or errors that will require more time and effort to fix. You may also have to spend more time and energy on researching, shopping, and learning how to paint your house properly and effectively.
  • Getting less expert advice and guidance: Taking the DIY approach can also give you less expert advice and guidance, as you have to rely on your own knowledge, judgment, and intuition. You may not have access to the best paint, color, and finish for your project, and you may not know how to avoid or solve common painting mistakes and problems. You may also end up with a paint job that does not match your vision, taste, or style, or that does not suit your house’s architecture, design, or environment.
  • Ensuring less safety and security: Taking the DIY approach can also ensure less safety and security, as you have to handle the painting tasks that may be dangerous or difficult for you. For example, you may have to paint the high ceilings, the staircases, or the exterior walls that may require ladders, scaffolding, or other equipment. You may also have to protect your furniture, floors, and belongings from paint spills, stains, and damage yourself.

Practical Tips for Efficient Painting

Whether you decide to hire professional painters or take the DIY approach, there are some practical tips that can help you make the painting process more efficient and effective. These tips include:

Planning and Organization

Planning and organization are important for painting well. They help you save time, money, and effort. Some examples of planning and organization include:

  • Setting a realistic budget and timeline for your project
  • Choosing the best paint, color, and finish for your project
  • Measuring and calculating the square footage, the linear footage, and the number of windows for each room
  • Estimating the amount of paint, brushes, rollers, and other supplies needed for your project
  • Scheduling and coordinating the painting tasks and activities
  • Preparing and arranging the furniture and items in the house

Using the Right Equipment and Materials

Using the right equipment and materials is important for painting well. They help you achieve the best results and avoid unnecessary problems. Some examples of the right equipment and materials include:

  • Selecting the appropriate type, size, and quality of brushes, rollers, and other tools for each painting task and feature
  • Choosing the suitable type, brand, and quality of paint for each painting task and feature
  • Using the proper type and amount of tape, masking, and protective materials for each painting task and feature
  • Cleaning and maintaining the equipment and materials before, during, and after the painting process


Teamwork is important for efficient painting. It helps you complete the project faster and easier. Some examples of teamwork include:

  • Recruiting and hiring the best professional painters or the most reliable and skilled DIY helpers for your project
  • Communicating and collaborating with the painters or the helpers throughout the painting process
  • Assigning and dividing the painting tasks and responsibilities among the painters or the helpers
  • Supervising and monitoring the progress and quality of the painting work
  • Appreciating and rewarding the painters or the helpers for their work

Efficient Paint Application Techniques

Efficient paint application techniques are important for painting well. They help you apply the paint smoothly, evenly, and neatly. Some examples of efficient paint application techniques include:

  • Preparing and priming the surfaces before painting
  • Applying the paint in thin and even coats
  • Painting from top to bottom and from left to right
  • Painting the edges, corners, and details first, and then filling in the large areas
  • Painting the trim, doors, and windows last
  • Sanding and smoothing the surfaces between coats
  • Allowing the paint to dry and cure properly before applying another coat or moving the furniture and items back to the room


Painting a house’s interior is a worthwhile project that can enhance the appearance, comfort, and value of your living space. However, it is also a challenging project that requires a lot of time, money, and effort. Therefore, it is important to know how long it will take to paint a house’s interior, and what factors affect the duration of painting a house’s interior.

The time it takes to paint a house’s interior depends on various factors, such as the size of the house, the surface conditions, the number of coats, and the time required for proper preparation. You can estimate the duration of painting a house’s interior by breaking down the duration per room and adding up the total time for the entire house. The duration of painting a house’s interior can also be adjusted by taking into account some additional factors that may affect the painting time, such as the complexity of the room, the type of paint, the type of finish, and the drying time.

The decision to hire professional painters or take the DIY approach also affects the duration of painting a house’s interior, as well as the cost, the quality, and the satisfaction of the project. Both options have their pros and cons, and the choice depends on various factors, such as the budget, the timeline, the skill level, and the personal preference.

Finally, there are some practical tips that can help you make the painting process more efficient and effective, such as planning and organization, using the right equipment and materials, teamwork, and efficient paint application techniques.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information and guidance on how long it will take to paint a house’s interior, and how to make the most of your painting project. Happy painting!

About Alan Wilson

Adan Wilson, a skilled writer at Roundecor, contributes to this crowdsourced home design company renowned for its affordable and modern home plans. Formerly a staff writer at Curbed, he expertly covered architecture and design. Adan holds a bachelor's degree in English from Skidmore College, where his focus on creative writing and design laid the foundation for his nuanced perspective in the realm of home aesthetics.

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