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how to decorate a bedroom shelf

How to Decorate a Bedroom Shelf to Enhance Your Space

Do you want to learn how to decorate a bedroom shelf like a pro? If you answered yes, then you are in the right place. Decorating a bedroom shelf is an excellent way to add personality, style, and functionality to your space. Whether you have a dedicated bookshelf or a floating shelf, it’s an opportunity to showcase your favorite items, create visual interest, and optimize storage.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of decorating a bedroom shelf to enhance your space. From assessing your space and shelf to choosing a theme or style, we’ll provide you with valuable tips and ideas. You’ll also learn how to create a color palette, select decorative items, consider scale and proportion, layer and stack, utilize storage containers, incorporate lighting, balance negative space, add textures and patterns, and more.

So let’s dive in and transform your bedroom shelf into a stunning focal point. By the end of this post, you’ll have all the skills and inspiration you need to create a beautiful and functional bedroom shelf that reflects your personality and style.

1. Assessing Your Space and Shelf

One of the first steps in learning how to decorate a bedroom shelf is to assess your space and shelf. This means taking a good look at your bedroom and your shelf, and asking yourself some questions.

What is the style of your bedroom? Is it modern, rustic, bohemian, or something else? Your shelf decor should match or complement the overall style of your bedroom, so that it doesn’t look out of place or clash with the rest of the room.

What is the size and design of your shelf? Is it large or small, wide or narrow, tall or short, fixed or adjustable? The size and design of your shelf will determine how much space you have to work with, and what kind of items you can display on it.

What is the color scheme of your bedroom? What are the dominant and accent colors in your walls, furniture, bedding, and other decor? Your shelf decor should also coordinate with the color scheme of your bedroom, so that it creates a harmonious and pleasing look.

What is the purpose of your shelf? Do you want it to be purely decorative, or do you also need it to store some items? The purpose of your shelf will influence the type and number of items you choose to display on it, and how you arrange them.

2. Choosing a Theme or Style

Another important step in learning how to decorate a bedroom shelf is to choose a theme or style for your shelf decor. This will give your design direction and cohesiveness, and make your shelf look more intentional and curated.

There are many different themes and styles you can choose from, depending on your preferences and personality. Some of the most popular ones are minimalistic, rustic, modern, and eclectic. You can also mix and match different styles to create your own unique look.

The key is to choose a theme or style that complements your bedroom’s overall aesthetic and personal taste. You don’t want your shelf to stand out too much or too little from the rest of the room. You want it to blend in and enhance the existing style of your bedroom.

To help you choose a theme or style, you can look for some inspiration online, in magazines, or in stores. You can also browse through your own items and see what kind of style they reflect. You can also experiment with different items and see what works best for you. Bored with your square bedroom? Check out these creative ideas to add personality and charm to your space!

3. Creating a Color Palette

One of the most important aspects of learning how to decorate a bedroom shelf is to create a color palette for your shelf decor. A well-chosen color palette can tie your shelf decor together and make it visually appealing. It can also create a mood and atmosphere in your bedroom.

To create a color palette, you need to consider the existing colors in your bedroom and select a harmonious color scheme. You want your shelf decor to match or contrast with the colors of your walls, furniture, bedding, and other decor items.

There are different ways to create a color scheme, depending on the effect you want to achieve. One way is to use complementary colors, which are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. For example, blue and orange, or purple and yellow. Complementary colors create a vibrant and dynamic look.

Another way is to use different shades of the same color for a monochromatic look. For example, you can use light blue, medium blue, and dark blue for your shelf decor. Monochromatic colors create a calm and elegant look.

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4. Selecting Decorative Items

One of the most enjoyable steps in learning how to decorate a bedroom shelf is to select decorative items for your shelf. These are the items that will showcase your personality, style, and interests, and make your shelf look attractive and inviting.

There are many different types of decorative items you can choose from, depending on your theme, color palette, and purpose. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Books: Display your favorite novels, coffee table books, or books that reflect your interests. Books can add color, texture, and height to your shelf, and also serve as conversation starters.
  • Artwork: Hang small art pieces or lean larger ones against the wall behind the shelf to add visual interest. Artwork can express your creativity, mood, and taste, and also create a focal point for your shelf.
  • Plants: Introduce greenery with potted plants or terrariums to bring life and freshness to your shelf. Plants can add a natural touch, purify the air, and also provide some contrast to other items.
  • Candles: Add warmth and ambiance with scented or decorative candles. Candles can create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, and also add some light and sparkle to your shelf.

5. Consider Scale and Proportion

Scale and proportion are two important principles of design that can help you create a harmonious and attractive bedroom shelf. Scale refers to the size of an object in relation to its surroundings, while proportion refers to the ratio of parts within an object.

One way to use scale and proportion when decorating a bedroom shelf is to mix tall and short items. This creates visual interest and contrast, and avoids a monotonous look. For example, you can place a tall vase next to a short stack of books, or a tall lamp next to a short figurine.

Another way to use scale and proportion when decorating a bedroom shelf is to play with different heights, sizes, and shapes. This creates a balanced composition and a sense of movement. For example, you can use books of different heights and widths, or items of different shapes such as round, square, or triangular.

A final tip to use scale and proportion when decorating a bedroom shelf is to consider the overall space and style of your room. You want your shelf to complement, not clash with, the rest of your decor. For example, you can use items that match the color scheme, theme, or mood of your room.

6. Layering and Stacking

Layering and stacking is a way of how to decorate a bedroom shelf that makes use of different heights and depths. It can create a more interesting and dynamic shelf, as well as save some space.

One way to layer and stack items is to arrange books horizontally and vertically. You can mix and match the orientation of your books, or create a pattern or a shape with them. You can also use books as risers or pedestals for other items.

Another way to layer and stack items is to stack decorative boxes. You can choose boxes that match or contrast with your color scheme, or have different patterns or textures. You can also use boxes to store or hide some items, or display some items on top of them.

A third way to layer and stack items is to place smaller items in front of larger ones. You can create a sense of depth and perspective by using items of different sizes and shapes. You can also use smaller items to fill in the gaps or create some balance.

7. Utilizing Storage Containers

Utilizing storage containers is a smart and practical way to decorate a bedroom shelf. Storage containers can help you keep your belongings organized while adding aesthetic value to your shelf. You can choose from a variety of materials, colors, and styles to suit your preference and theme.

One type of storage container that you can use is wicker baskets. Wicker baskets are made of woven natural fibers such as rattan, bamboo, or seagrass. They have a rustic and cozy look that can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom. You can use them to store items such as blankets, pillows, or magazines.

Another type of storage container that you can use is fabric bins. Fabric bins are made of soft and flexible materials such as cotton, linen, or canvas. They have a modern and minimalist look that can create a clean and sleek appearance in your bedroom. You can use them to store items such as clothes, accessories, or toys.

A final type of storage container that you can use is stylish boxes. Stylish boxes are made of sturdy and durable materials such as wood, metal, or cardboard. They have a chic and elegant look that can create a sophisticated and refined impression in your bedroom. You can use them to store items such as jewelry, books, or souvenirs.

8. Incorporating Lighting

Incorporating lighting is a great way to enhance the ambiance of your bedroom shelf. Lighting can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, highlight your decor, and make it more visually appealing, especially during the evening.

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One type of lighting that you can use is small LED strip lights. LED strip lights are thin and flexible lights that can be attached to the edge or the back of your shelf. They can create a soft and subtle glow that can illuminate your items and create a sense of depth.

Another type of lighting that you can use is fairy lights. Fairy lights are small and delicate lights that can be draped or wrapped around your shelf. They can create a whimsical and romantic mood that can add charm and sparkle to your items and create a sense of movement.

A final type of lighting that you can use is a stylish table lamp. A table lamp is a larger and more prominent light that can be placed on top of your shelf. It can create a focal point and a contrast that can draw attention to your items and create a sense of balance.

9. Balancing Negative Space

Balancing negative space is a key principle of design that can help you create a beautiful and elegant bedroom shelf. Negative space refers to the empty areas on your shelf that contrast with the items you display. It is as important as the items themselves, as it allows the eye to rest and appreciate the displayed objects.

One way to balance negative space is to avoid overcrowding your shelf. Overcrowding can make your shelf look cluttered and chaotic, and reduce the impact of your items. You should leave some space between your items, and group them by color, shape, or theme to create a cohesive look.

Another way to balance negative space is to leave some breathing room on your shelf. Breathing room means leaving some parts of your shelf completely empty, such as the corners, the edges, or the center. This can create a sense of openness and lightness, and draw attention to the items you want to highlight.

A final way to balance negative space is to consider the shape and size of your shelf. You want your shelf to match the proportion and scale of your wall and your room. You should choose a shelf that is not too big or too small, and that has a simple and sleek design that does not compete with your items.

10. Adding Textures and Patterns

Adding textures and patterns to your bedroom shelf can create a tactile experience that adds visual interest and depth. You can use textured vases, patterned book covers, or woven baskets to achieve this. Mixing different textures and patterns will make your shelf visually engaging.

Textured vases can add a 3D effect to your shelf. The rough surface of the vase can create a contrast with the smooth surface of the shelf. You can also use vases with patterns to add visual interest. The color of the vase can also be used to complement the color scheme of the shelf.

Patterned book covers can add visual interest to your shelf. You can use bold patterns to create a focal point on your shelf. You can also use subtle patterns to create a cohesive look. The color of the book cover can also be used to complement the color scheme of the shelf.

Woven baskets can add a natural texture to your shelf. The weave pattern of the basket can create a contrast with the smooth surface of the shelf. You can also use baskets with patterns to add visual interest. The color of the basket can also be used to complement the color scheme of the shelf.

Mixing different textures and patterns can make your shelf visually engaging. You can use contrasting textures to create a dynamic look. You can also use complementary textures to create a harmonious look. The patterns can be used to create a focal point on your shelf. Coveting a grand master suite? Discover the top design tricks to make your bedroom feel like a five-star hotel!

11. Seasonal Decor

Seasonal decor is a way of changing the look and feel of your space according to the time of the year. It can make your home more cozy, cheerful, and inviting. One of the easiest places to start with seasonal decor is your bedroom shelf.

Winter is a time to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in your bedroom. You can use pine cones, ornaments, candles, and fairy lights to decorate your bedroom shelf. These items can add some sparkle and texture to your space. You can also use some cozy blankets and pillows to make your bed more comfortable.

Spring is a time to celebrate the new life and growth of nature. You can use floral arrangements, greenery, vases, and baskets to decorate your bedroom shelf. These items can bring some color and freshness to your space. You can also use some light and airy fabrics and prints to make your bed more breezy.

Summer is a time to enjoy the sun and the sea. You can use seashells, starfish, sand, and coral to decorate your bedroom shelf. These items can add some beachy and nautical vibes to your space. You can also use some bright and bold colors and patterns to make your bed more fun.

Autumn is a time to embrace the changing colors and harvest of the season. You can use pumpkins, leaves, acorns, and corn to decorate your bedroom shelf. These items can add some rustic and farmhouse charm to your space. You can also use some warm and cozy colors and fabrics to make your bed more snug.

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12. Regularly Refreshing Your Shelf

Regularly refreshing your shelf means changing the look and feel of your bedroom shelf from time to time. This can help you avoid boredom and create a more dynamic and personal space.

One way to refresh your shelf is to rearrange items that you already have. You can move them around, group them by color, theme, or size, or create different focal points. This can give your shelf a new perspective and showcase your creativity.

Another way to refresh your shelf is to swap out a few pieces that you no longer need or want. You can donate, sell, or store them away, and replace them with new or different items that suit your current mood or style. This can give your shelf a fresh and updated look.

A third way to refresh your shelf is to introduce new accessories that add some flair and personality to your shelf. You can buy or make some decorative items, such as candles, plants, frames, or books, that complement your existing decor. This can give your shelf some extra charm and character.

13. Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintenance and cleaning is an essential part of how to decorate a bedroom shelf. It can keep your shelf looking neat and tidy, as well as protect your items from damage and deterioration.

One way to maintain and clean your shelf is to regularly dust it. You can use a soft cloth, a feather duster, or a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust or dirt that accumulates on your shelf. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe away any stains or spills.

Another way to maintain and clean your shelf is to polish any glass or metal accents. You can use a glass cleaner, a metal polish, or a vinegar solution to make your glass or metal items shine. You can also use a microfiber cloth to buff away any fingerprints or smudges.

A third way to maintain and clean your shelf is to make it a habit. You can set a schedule or a reminder to clean your shelf regularly, such as once a week or once a month. You can also make it a fun and enjoyable activity by playing some music or inviting a friend to help you.


In conclusion, how to decorate a bedroom shelf is a fun and creative process that can enhance your space and express your style. You can achieve this by following the steps in the outline, such as assessing your space and shelf, choosing a theme or style, and creating a color palette. By doing so, you can create a bedroom shelf that suits your taste and mood.

We hope you enjoyed this article on how to decorate a bedroom shelf. Whether you want to select decorative items, consider scale and proportion, or layer and stack items, we have you covered with our tips and tricks. You can also incorporate lighting, balance negative space, and add textures and patterns to make your shelf more attractive.

We would love to hear from you! Share your bedroom shelf decorating experiences, thoughts, tips, and questions in the comments below. Let’s continue the conversation on creating beautiful and personalized bedroom shelves!


How do you style shelves in a bedroom?

To style shelves in a bedroom, start by decluttering and organizing items. Use a mix of decorative objects, such as vases and picture frames, and functional items like books or storage boxes. Vary the height and size of objects, and incorporate greenery or small plants for a fresh touch. Experiment with different arrangements until you achieve a balanced and visually appealing look.

How do I make my shelves look nice?

To make shelves look nice, consider the color scheme and theme of the room. Arrange items in an aesthetically pleasing way, using a mix of decorative items, books, and personal mementos. Incorporate textures and patterns through items like baskets or textured vases. Don’t overcrowd the shelves and leave some negative space for a clean and organized appearance.

How do you decorate shelves aesthetically?

To decorate shelves aesthetically, start by selecting a cohesive color scheme and theme. Mix and match decorative objects, books, and artwork that complement each other. Incorporate balance by varying the height and size of items. Experiment with different arrangements, and consider adding small vignettes or groupings of items that tell a story or reflect your personal style.

How do you decorate plain shelves?

To decorate plain shelves, start by adding a backdrop or wallpaper to create visual interest. Then, add a mix of decorative items like vases, sculptures, or candles. Consider incorporating bookends or small storage boxes to add functionality. Use a mix of heights and textures, and consider adding artwork or framed photos to the backs of the shelves for added depth.

How do I style my shelves?

To style your shelves, begin by deciding on a theme or color scheme that matches the room’s overall aesthetic. Mix and match decorative objects, books, and personal items that have sentimental value. Vary the height and size of items, and consider incorporating artwork or framed photos. Experiment with different arrangements until you achieve a visually pleasing and personalized look.

What decor can I put on shelves?

You can put a variety of decor items on shelves, such as decorative objects like vases, sculptures, or figurines. Books, either stacked horizontally or vertically, can add visual interest. Consider incorporating plants or greenery for a touch of nature. Additionally, you can display framed photos, artwork, or small mirrors to add depth and reflect light. Mix and match these items to create an aesthetically pleasing display.

About Austin Reed

Austin Reed, an accomplished staff writer, specializes in home design and decor for Roundecor. Formerly an editor at Apartment Therapy, he holds a master's degree in journalism and another in architecture. With a wealth of knowledge, he seamlessly integrates his expertise to provide insightful perspectives on the intersection of design and functionality.

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