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how to decorate a large wall in your living room

How to Decorate a Large Wall in Your Living Room: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to designing your living room, decorating a large wall can be a daunting task. A well-decorated wall can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the room, making it feel more inviting and visually pleasing. However, the sheer size of a large wall can pose challenges when it comes to finding the right decor and ensuring it complements the rest of the room.

In this article, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to effectively decorate a large wall in your living room. Whether you’re dealing with a blank canvas or looking to refresh your existing wall decor, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this article, you’ll have the inspiration and guidance you need to transform that empty space into a stunning focal point that reflects your personal style.

I. Understanding the Space

Before diving into the world of wall decor, it’s essential to understand the space you’re working with. By considering the following factors, you can make informed decisions and create a harmonious balance between your large wall and the rest of the living room.

  1. Assessing the dimensions and proportions of the large wall: Measure the height, width, and depth of the wall to understand the scale. This information will help you determine the appropriate size and arrangement of your decor.
  2. Analyzing the existing decor and furniture in the living room: Take note of the colors, textures, and styles present in the room. This will guide you in selecting wall decor that complements the overall design scheme.
  3. Determining the focal points and architectural features of the wall: Identify any architectural elements like windows, fireplaces, or built-in shelving that can serve as focal points. These features can influence the placement and design of your wall decor.
  4. Considering natural lighting and room layout: Take into account the amount and direction of natural light in the living room and how it interacts with the wall. Also, consider the flow and layout of the room to ensure your wall decor doesn’t disrupt the functionality and traffic flow.

By understanding the space, you can make informed decisions about how to decorate your large wall. In the next section, we will explore different decor ideas and techniques that you can use to create a visually appealing and cohesive look.

II. Design Principles for Large Wall Decor

Decorating a large wall requires a thoughtful approach to design. By incorporating key design principles, you can create a visually pleasing and harmonious space. Here are some essential principles to consider:

A. Color and Contrast

Color plays a vital role in transforming the perception of space. When choosing colors for your large wall decor, keep the following in mind:

  • Impact of colorsBold and vibrant colors can make a statement and add energy to the room, while neutral tones create a sense of calm and sophistication.
  • Complementing the theme: Select colors that harmonize with the overall theme of your living room. Consider the existing color palette and choose shades that complement or contrast with it.
  • Creating contrast: Incorporating contrasting colors can add visual interest and depth to the wall. Pair light and dark hues or experiment with complementary color combinations to make your decor pop.

B. Scale and Proportion

Scale and proportion are crucial considerations when it comes to large wall decor. Follow these guidelines for a balanced look:

  • Choosing appropriately-sized artwork: Select artwork or wall hangings that are proportionate to the size of the wall. Avoid pieces that are too small and get lost or overpowering in the space.
  • Focal points and balance: Determine focal points on the wall and arrange your decor around them. This could be a large artwork, a gallery wall, or a statement mirror. Achieve balance by distributing the visual weight evenly across the wall.
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C. Texture and Materials

Texture and materials can add an extra dimension to your wall decor. Consider the following options:

  • Wallpaper, wood paneling, or textured paint: Experiment with different finishes to create visual interest. Textured wallpaper, reclaimed wood paneling, or a faux brick wall can add depth and texture to your living room.
  • Incorporating tactile elements: Mix and match materials such as metal, fabric, or natural fibers to create a tactile experience. Hang woven wall hangings, metal sculptures, or fabric tapestries for added visual appeal.

D. Balance and Symmetry

Balance and symmetry are key elements in achieving a harmonious wall decor arrangement. Consider the following approaches:

  • Symmetrical arrangements: Create a sense of order and balance by arranging identical or mirrored decor items on either side of a central point. This can include matching artwork, sconces, or shelves.
  • Asymmetrical compositions: Embrace a more eclectic and dynamic look by arranging different-sized decor items in an asymmetrical manner. Play with varying heights, shapes, and colors to create a visually engaging display.

By incorporating these design principles, you can create a visually stunning and well-balanced wall decor arrangement in your living room. In the next section, we will explore specific decor ideas and techniques to inspire your creativity.

III. Creative Ideas for Large Wall Decor

When it comes to decorating a large wall in your living room, there are numerous creative ideas that can transform your space into a stunning showcase of style and personality. Here are some inspiring ideas to consider:

A. Gallery Wall Displays

Gallery walls are a popular and versatile option for large wall decor. They allow you to showcase a collection of artwork, photographs, and other decorative items. Follow these steps to create a captivating gallery wall:

Step Description
Gather your items Collect a variety of artwork, photographs, prints, and other decorative pieces that complement your living room’s aesthetic.
Plan the layout Lay out your items on the floor or create a digital mockup to experiment with different arrangements. Consider mixing different sizes, shapes, and frames for visual interest.
Hang the pieces Start from the center and work your way outwards. Use a level and measuring tape to ensure proper alignment and spacing between the items. Consider using adhesive hooks or picture-hanging hardware for easy installation and flexibility.
Add finishing touches Consider incorporating additional elements like mirrors, wall sconces, or decorative objects to enhance the overall visual appeal of your gallery wall.

B. Statement Artwork

Make a bold statement with a large-scale artwork that becomes the focal point of your living room. Here’s how to make the most of statement pieces:

  1. Select the right artwork: Choose a piece that resonates with your personal style and complements the room’s decor. Consider large paintings, oversized photographs, or dramatic tapestries.
  2. Proper placement: Hang the artwork at eye level to ensure it commands attention. If you have high ceilings, consider positioning the piece slightly higher for a dramatic effect.
  3. Consider framing: Choose a frame that enhances the artwork and coordinates with the overall style of the room. A well-chosen frame can elevate the artwork and tie the room together.

C. Wall Murals and Decals

Wall murals and decals offer a creative and customizable solution for large wall decor. Consider the following:

  1. Choose a theme: Explore various themes such as nature, cityscapes, abstract designs, or geometric patterns. Select a theme that aligns with your personal taste and complements the room’s ambiance.
  2. Installation and maintenance: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation of wall murals or decals. Ensure the wall surface is clean and smooth before applying. Consider removable options if you want flexibility in changing the design later on.
  3. Style considerations: Take into account the scale of the mural or decal in relation to the wall. A large mural can create a captivating focal point, while smaller decals can be used to add accents or create a patterned effect.

D. Shelving and Display Units

Wall-mounted shelves and display units offer both functional and aesthetic benefits. Consider the following ideas:

  1. Arrange books and decorative items: Use floating shelves or wall-mounted bookcases to create an organized display of books, plants, and decorative objects. Mix and match different heights and textures for visual interest.
  2. Create a cohesive display: Arrange items in a visually pleasing manner, considering color coordination and balance. Group items in clusters or use a mix of open and closed storage options for variety.
  3. Highlight personal mementos: Showcase personal mementos, family photographs, or cherished collectibles on the shelves. This adds a personal touch and makes the space feel more inviting.
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By incorporating these creative ideas, you can transform your large living room wall into a captivating and aesthetically pleasing focal point. In the next section, we will provide additional tips and considerations to ensure a successful wall decor project.

IV. Additional Tips and Tricks

To elevate your large wall decor in the living room, consider the following additional tips and tricks:

A. Lighting and Accentuating

Proper lighting is essential to enhance the visual impact of your wall decor. Here are some tips to illuminate your living room wall effectively:

  1. Consider ambient lighting: Install ceiling-mounted or recessed lights to provide overall illumination to the room. This ensures that your wall decor is visible even in low-light conditions.
  2. Highlight specific elements with accent lighting: Use accent lighting to draw attention to particular wall features, such as artwork or architectural details. Consider wall-mounted spotlights or track lighting that can be directed towards the desired focal points.
  3. Utilize wall sconces: Wall sconces not only provide functional lighting but also serve as decorative elements. Install sconces on either side of the wall decor to add a warm and inviting ambiance to the room.
  4. Experiment with decorative lighting fixtures: Explore unique lighting options, such as pendant lights or chandeliers, that can serve as statement pieces while illuminating the wall. Choose fixtures that complement the style and scale of your wall decor.

B. Incorporating Plants and Greenery

Adding plants and greenery to your large wall decor can bring life, freshness, and a touch of nature to your living room. Consider the following tips for incorporating indoor plants:

  1. Choose suitable plants: Opt for indoor plants that thrive in the conditions of your living room, such as low-light or bright indirect light. Some popular options include pothos, snake plants, spider plants, and peace lilies.
  2. Select appropriate containers: Choose containers that complement your wall decor and the overall style of the room. Consider using hanging planters, wall-mounted planters, or shelves with built-in plant holders.
  3. Arrange plants strategically: Create a visually appealing arrangement by varying the height, size, and texture of the plants. Place taller plants on the floor or use wall-mounted planters at different heights to add depth and dimension.
  4. Provide proper care: Ensure your plants receive adequate light, water, and humidity. Follow specific care instructions for each plant species to maintain their health and beauty. Regularly prune and remove any dead or yellowing leaves.

Note: If you prefer low-maintenance options, you can also consider artificial plants or preserved moss wall art to achieve a similar greenery effect with minimal upkeep.

Incorporating proper lighting and the addition of plants and greenery will enhance the overall ambiance and visual appeal of your large wall decor. In the next section, we will explore some common mistakes to avoid when decorating a large wall in your living room. Learn how to choose curtains like a pro and create a dreamy living room!

V. Maintenance and Refreshing

Once you have successfully decorated your large wall in the living room, it’s important to maintain its beauty and periodically refresh the decor to prevent monotony. Here are some tips to help you with maintenance and refreshing:

A. Cleaning and Maintenance

Proper cleaning and maintenance will ensure that your wall decor stays fresh and appealing. Consider the following tips:

  1. Dust regularly: Dust your wall decor using a soft cloth or a feather duster to remove any accumulated dirt or dust. Be gentle, especially when dealing with delicate items like artwork or wall decals.
  2. Spot cleaning: If you notice any stains or marks on your wall decor, use a mild cleaning solution and a soft cloth to gently spot clean the affected area. Test the cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the decor.
  3. Protect from direct sunlight: If your wall decor includes artwork or photographs, avoid hanging them in direct sunlight as it can cause fading and damage over time. Consider using UV-protective glass or frames to minimize the impact of sunlight.
  4. Inspect for damage: Regularly inspect your wall decor for any signs of damage, such as loose frames, peeling decals, or chipped paint. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

B. Periodic Refreshing and Seasonal Updates

To prevent your wall decor from becoming stale or monotonous, consider refreshing it periodically and adapting it to different themes or occasions. Here are some ideas:

  1. Change artwork or photographs: Swap out existing artwork or photographs with new pieces to give your living room a fresh look. Rotate different pieces of art periodically or showcase seasonal photographs that capture the essence of each season.
  2. Add seasonal accents: Incorporate seasonal accents to your wall decor, such as wreaths, garlands, or wall hangings, to celebrate different holidays or seasons. These accents can be easily changed and refreshed throughout the year.
  3. Create a gallery wall rotation: If you have a gallery wall, consider rotating the displayed artwork periodically. This allows you to showcase different pieces at different times, keeping the wall decor dynamic and interesting.
  4. Introduce temporary decor: Experiment with temporary decor items, such as removable wallpaper, wall decals, or tapestries, to add a touch of novelty to your large wall. These temporary additions can be easily removed or replaced when you want to switch up the look.
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Note: When updating or refreshing your wall decor, ensure that the new elements complement the overall style and theme of your living room.

By following these maintenance tips and periodically refreshing your wall decor, you can keep your living room wall looking stylish, vibrant, and in tune with the changing seasons and occasions. In the final section, we will provide some closing thoughts and additional resources for further inspiration.


1. What can I put on a big empty wall in my living room?

You can consider options such as large-scale artwork or photographs, a statement mirror, a gallery wall with a collection of framed prints, tapestries or textile hangings, shelves with decorative items or books, a wall-mounted sculpture, or a combination of these elements.

2. What decor to put on a large wall?

For a large wall, you can opt for a variety of decor options such as oversized artwork or photographs, a statement clock, a large mirror, a wall-mounted shelving unit with decorative items, a tapestry or textile hanging, a decorative wall decal, or a combination of these elements.

3. How do you decorate a large empty wall?

To decorate a large empty wall, you can consider using various techniques such as creating a gallery wall with a mix of artwork and photographs, hanging a large statement piece, installing floating shelves with decorative items, using wall decals or murals, or incorporating a combination of these ideas.

4. How do you decorate a tall wall in a living room?

To decorate a tall wall in a living room, you can utilize vertical space by hanging tall artwork or a series of vertically oriented pieces. Installing floor-to-ceiling shelves or a large bookcase can also add visual interest. Additionally, you can consider using tall indoor plants or decorative screens to break up the height.

5. How do you decorate a large wall over a couch?

When decorating a large wall over a couch, you can hang a large statement piece, such as a painting or a mirror, centered above the couch. Alternatively, you can create a gallery wall with a mix of artwork and photographs, or use floating shelves to display a curated collection of decorative items.

6. How do I choose the right size of artwork for a large wall?

The size of artwork for a large wall depends on personal preference and the scale of the wall. As a general guideline, consider choosing a piece that covers about two-thirds to three-quarters of the available wall space. Alternatively, you can create a gallery wall with a mix of smaller artworks to fill the space.

7. What are some alternative wall decor options besides artwork?

In addition to artwork, alternative wall decor options include mirrors, tapestries or textile hangings, wall decals or murals, floating shelves with decorative items, hanging plants or greenery, decorative plates or trays, woven baskets, clocks, or a combination of these elements.

8. How do I create a balanced arrangement for a gallery wall?

To create a balanced arrangement for a gallery wall, start by selecting a theme or color palette. Lay out the pieces on the floor or use paper templates to plan the arrangement before hanging. Consider the visual weight, spacing, and balance of the pieces, and aim for a cohesive composition that complements the wall and surrounding decor.

9. Can I mix different types of wall decor on a large wall?

Yes, you can mix different types of wall decor on a large wall to create visual interest. Consider combining artwork, mirrors, shelves with decorative items, and other elements that complement each other in terms of style, color, or theme. Experiment with different arrangements to find a composition that suits your taste.

10. How can I incorporate personal items into the wall decor?

To incorporate personal items into the wall decor, you can display framed photographs, artwork created by family members or yourself, shadow boxes with meaningful objects, or sentimental items like heirlooms or travel souvenirs. Mix these personal items with other decorative elements to create a personalized and meaningful wall display.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, decorating a large wall in your living room is an opportunity to infuse your personal style and create a visually captivating space. By understanding the dimensions and proportions of the wall, considering design principles such as color, scale, texture, and balance, and exploring creative ideas like gallery wall displays and statement artwork, you can transform your wall into a stunning focal point.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of lighting and accentuating techniques, as well as incorporating plants and greenery to add depth and freshness to your wall decor. These additional tips and tricks can elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of your living room.

Lastly, remember to maintain your wall decor by regularly cleaning and maintaining it, and consider periodic refreshing and seasonal updates to keep the look of your living room wall interesting and up-to-date. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the task of decorating a large wall and create a space that reflects your unique style and personality. Happy decorating!

About Alan Wilson

Adan Wilson, a skilled writer at Roundecor, contributes to this crowdsourced home design company renowned for its affordable and modern home plans. Formerly a staff writer at Curbed, he expertly covered architecture and design. Adan holds a bachelor's degree in English from Skidmore College, where his focus on creative writing and design laid the foundation for his nuanced perspective in the realm of home aesthetics.

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