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how to decorate a plain bathroom mirror

How to Decorate a Plain Bathroom Mirror with Elegant Details

Are you tired of your plain bathroom mirror blending into the background? It’s time to discover how to decorate a plain bathroom mirror with elegance and flair. With clever techniques, you can turn that overlooked piece into a captivating focal point that enhances the entire space.

Say goodbye to the mundane and hello to sophistication as we guide you through the art of transforming your plain bathroom mirror. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll unveil the secrets to elevating your mirror’s aesthetics with tasteful details and creative touches.

Prepare to embark on a journey of bathroom mirror beautification, where we’ll explore a range of inventive ideas to breathe life into this often-neglected piece of decor. Let’s dive into the world of mirror magic and add a touch of luxury to your daily routine!

1. Assess Your Mirror

When embarking on the journey to embellish your plain bathroom mirror with elegant details, it’s essential to start with an assessment. This preliminary step will serve as the foundation for your decorating endeavor. Consider the following aspects:

  • Size: Take stock of your mirror’s dimensions. A large mirror offers a canvas for more elaborate adornment, while a small one may require a more minimalist approach.
  • Shape: The mirror’s shape is pivotal. Whether round, square, or rectangular, the form will dictate the embellishments harmonizing with its contours.
  • Style: Delve into the mirror’s style – modern, traditional, or a blend of both. This characteristic will act as your compass, directing you towards decorations that resonate with its aesthetic.

Once you’ve thoroughly assessed your mirror, you can proceed confidently, knowing that your choices will align seamlessly with its unique attributes. Whether you want to add a touch of luxury or rustic charm, these initial considerations will pave the way for a bathroom mirror transformation that exudes elegance and personality.

2. Choose Your Decoration

After assessing your plain bathroom mirror, the next step is choosing the perfect decoration to elevate its elegance. Here are some creative options to consider:

  • Frame it: Adding a frame to your mirror can instantly provide a polished and finished appearance. Opt for a simple frame for a clean look or an ornate one for a touch of grandeur.
  • Add lighting: Illuminate your mirror with sconces or lighting fixtures to create a captivating ambiance. Properly placed lighting can enhance the mirror’s visual impact.
  • Use decals: Add fun and playfulness to your bathroom by applying decals or stickers to your mirror. These can range from whimsical patterns to inspirational quotes.
  • Paint it: Transform your mirror with a splash of color and texture using paint. You can go for a full mirror makeover or add subtle accents that complement your bathroom’s theme.
  • Hang accessories: To infuse visual interest, consider hanging decorative items such as beads, tassels, or other accessories from your mirror. This adds a unique touch and dimension to your mirror.

By carefully selecting your preferred decoration method, you can turn your plain bathroom mirror into a stunning focal point that exudes elegance and personality while perfectly complementing your overall bathroom decor.

3. Choose Your Materials

Choosing the right materials is crucial when decorating a plain bathroom mirror with elegant details. First, you’ll want to consider the type of decoration you plan to use. Here’s a breakdown of the materials you may need:

  • A-Frame: If framing your mirror, select a frame that fits the mirror’s size and complements its style. Depending on your bathroom’s aesthetics, the frame can add a touch of sophistication or rustic charm.
  • Lighting Fixtures: Incorporating lighting can transform a plain mirror into an elegant focal point. Choose fixtures that align with the mirror’s style and size, creating a harmonious lighting scheme.
  • Decals or Stickers: Decals and stickers are a budget-friendly option. Pick ones that harmonize with your bathroom’s decor, whether minimalist, vintage, or contemporary.
  • Paint: If you opt for painting, the paint color and finish should harmonize with your bathroom’s color scheme. A well-chosen paint color can provide a seamless and chic look.
  • Accessories: Hanging accessories like sconces or decorative brackets can enhance your mirror’s appeal. Ensure these accessories match your bathroom’s decor and style for a cohesive design.
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When you’ve chosen your decoration style and gathered the right materials, you’re well on your way to transforming your plain bathroom mirror into an elegant masterpiece that complements your overall bathroom design.

4. Prepare Your Mirror

Preparing your mirror is essential before decorating it. Clean it thoroughly with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. This will ensure that your decoration adheres properly and looks its best. Remove any dirt, dust, or fingerprints from the mirror’s surface.

Once your mirror is clean, you can start decorating it. There are many ways to decorate a plain bathroom mirror, such as using adhesive vinyl, stencils, or paint. You can also add a frame to your mirror to give it a more finished look. Choose a frame that complements the style of your bathroom.

Another way to decorate your mirror is by adding lights. You can use LED strip lights or fairy lights to create a soft, warm glow around the edges of your mirror. This will add a decorative touch and provide additional lighting for your bathroom.

Finally, consider adding functional elements to your mirror, such as hooks or shelves. This will allow you to store items like towels, jewelry, or makeup within easy reach. With these tips, you can transform your plain bathroom mirror into a stylish and functional decor.

5. Frame Your Mirror

When choosing to frame your bathroom mirror for an elegant touch, follow these simple steps:

  • Measure Your Mirror: Begin by measuring the length and width of your mirror accurately. These measurements will determine the size of your frame.
  • Choose Your Frame: Select a frame that fits your mirror’s dimensions and complements its style. You can purchase a pre-made frame or craft a custom one to achieve a personalized look.
  • Install Your Frame: Following the manufacturer’s guidelines can be straightforward. However, if you’re crafting your frame, follow these DIY steps:
  1. Cut Your Frame Pieces: Cut your frame pieces to match your mirror’s measured length and width.
  2. Sand Your Frame Pieces: Smooth any rough edges or splinters on your frame pieces with sandpaper.
  3. Stain or Paint Your Frame Pieces: Enhance your frame’s aesthetics by staining or painting it in a color that complements your bathroom’s decor.
  4. Attach Your Frame Pieces: Securely attach your frame pieces to the mirror using either adhesive or screws for a polished and finished look.

By framing your plain bathroom mirror, you can effortlessly infuse elegance and style into your bathroom space, making it a stunning focal point that harmonizes with your overall design theme.

6. Add Lighting

Lighting your plain bathroom mirror can create an elegant and functional look. Choose lighting fixtures that complement your mirror’s style and size. LED strip lights or fairy lights can create a soft, warm glow around the edges of your mirror. Install your lighting fixtures according to the manufacturer’s instructions, placing them at the correct height and distance from your mirror.

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Test your lighting to ensure it works properly and creates the desired effect. If you’re using LED strip lights or fairy lights, ensure they’re evenly spaced and not too bright. You can also add dimmer switches to control the brightness of your lighting. This will allow you to create a relaxing atmosphere in your bathroom.

In addition to lighting, consider adding other elegant details to your plain bathroom mirror. You can add a frame to your mirror to give it a more finished look. Choose a frame that complements the style of your bathroom. You can add decorative elements like stencils or adhesive vinyl to create a unique design.

If you’ve chosen to add lighting, follow these steps:

  • Choose your lighting fixtures: Choose lighting fixtures that complement your mirror’s style and size.
  • Install your lighting fixtures: Install your lighting fixtures according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Place them at the correct height and distance from your mirror.
  • Test your lighting: Test your lighting to ensure that it’s working properly and creating the desired effect.

With these tips, you can transform your plain bathroom mirror into an elegant and functional decor.

7. Use Decals or Stickers

When it comes to decorating a plain bathroom mirror, decals or stickers can be a great option. Choose decals or stickers that match your bathroom’s decor. Clean your mirror thoroughly with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth before applying them. This will ensure that they adhere properly and look their best.

To apply your decals or stickers, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Be sure to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles as you go. You can also use a credit card or squeegee to help with this process. Once your decals or stickers are in place, admire your new, stylish mirror.

If you’ve chosen to use decals or stickers, follow these steps:

  • Choose your decals or stickers: Choose decals or stickers that match your bathroom’s decor.
  • Clean your mirror: Clean your mirror thoroughly with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth.
  • Apply your decals or stickers: Apply your decals or stickers according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles.

These tips allow you to add elegant details to your plain bathroom mirror easily. Whether you choose lighting, frames, or decals, your mirror will become a stylish and functional decor piece.

8. Paint Your Mirror

If you want to transform your plain bathroom mirror into an elegant focal point, consider painting it. This simple yet impactful DIY project can add a touch of sophistication to your bathroom decor. Here’s how to decorate a plain bathroom mirror with elegant details:

  • Choosing the Right Paint: Select the perfect paint color and finish that harmonizes with your bathroom’s color palette. Opt for a paint that complements the overall aesthetic you want to achieve.
  • Prepping Your Mirror: Before painting, ensure your mirror is spotless. Clean it meticulously with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth to remove any dirt, smudges, or residue that might affect the paint’s adhesion.
  • Taping for Precision: Use painter’s tape to carefully mask off the areas of your mirror that you wish to keep unpainted. This step is crucial for achieving clean, well-defined edges and patterns.
  • Painting with Finesse: Apply the paint to your mirror using a brush or roller. Maintaining thin, even coats to prevent drips or streaks is vital. Allow each coat to dry entirely before applying the next. Patience is key to achieving a professional finish.
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With these steps, you can elevate the look of your plain bathroom mirror, turning it into an elegant decor piece that reflects your style and creativity. Whether you opt for a subtle tone or a bold statement color, this DIY project can significantly impact your bathroom’s ambiance.

9. Hang Accessories

Elevating the look of your bathroom mirror can sometimes involve paint. Another creative option is to hang accessories, turning your plain bathroom mirror into a stylish centerpiece. Here’s how to decorate a plain bathroom mirror with elegant details by hanging accessories:

  • Selecting the Right Accessories: Choose accessories that align with your bathroom’s decor and style. Pick items that enhance your bathroom’s ambiance, whether it’s decorative ornaments, delicate garlands, or tasteful wreaths.
  • Prepping the Mirror: Clean your mirror meticulously with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth to ensure it’s free from streaks or marks. A clean surface provides a pristine backdrop for your chosen accessories.
  • Hanging Your Accessories: It’s time to add the finishing touches. Hang your selected accessories from your mirror using ribbon, string, or other decorative materials that match your bathroom’s aesthetic. Be sure to space them evenly for a balanced and elegant look.

With these steps, you can transform your plain bathroom mirror into a captivating focal point. Hanging accessories allow you to experiment with textures, colors, and themes, giving your bathroom a personalized and chic feel. Whether you opt for a rustic, minimalist, or luxurious vibe, this method offers endless possibilities for decorating your bathroom mirror.

10. Enjoy Your New Mirror

After decorating your plain bathroom mirror, take a step back and admire your handiwork. You’ll be amazed at how it has transformed into a stunning focal point that adds elegance and style to your bathroom.

Enjoy your new mirror by using it as a statement piece in your bathroom. It can be a great conversation starter for guests and a source of pride for you. You can also use it to reflect natural light and make your bathroom appear brighter and more spacious.

To further enhance the look of your new mirror, consider adding some decorative elements around it. You can use wall sconces, artwork, or plants to create a cohesive and stylish look. Just be sure not to overcrowd the space and keep the focus on the mirror.

Remember to keep your new mirror clean and shiny. Use a soft cloth and a gentle cleaner to remove smudges or fingerprints. With proper care, your mirror will continue to be a beautiful and functional addition to your bathroom for years.


In conclusion, decorating a plain bathroom mirror is a simple and affordable way to elevate your bathroom decor. By assessing your mirror, choosing your decoration, and following these simple steps, you can transform your plain bathroom mirror into a stunning focal point that adds elegance and style to your bathroom.

First, assess your mirror to determine the best decoration for your space. Consider the size, shape, and style of your mirror, as well as the overall aesthetic of your bathroom. Next, choose your decoration, such as paint, tile, or adhesive film, and gather the necessary supplies.

Finally, follow the steps outlined in your chosen decoration method to transform your plain bathroom mirror into a beautiful and functional decor. With a little creativity and effort, you can create a stunning focal point that adds elegance and style to your bathroom.

About Austin Reed

Austin Reed, an accomplished staff writer, specializes in home design and decor for Roundecor. Formerly an editor at Apartment Therapy, he holds a master's degree in journalism and another in architecture. With a wealth of knowledge, he seamlessly integrates his expertise to provide insightful perspectives on the intersection of design and functionality.

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